My name is Nova Sauceda.
I did a CR School in 2021 and fell in love with Jesus! He showed me what true love is! My heart started to burn with passion to tell people about this love.
I now have the opportunity to engage in a DTS with YWAM Circuit Riders in Huntington Beach, CA! The DTS will last six months and is cut in two sections.
The first three months will be learning about God, His heart for me and all His children. Being activated in the gospel and trained with a skill set to go alongside this training.
The second three months will be taking everything we learned in those three months and putting it into missions! We would be reaching generations with the love of Jesus and power of God, from this nation to nations across the globe.
The heart of Circuit Riders is to save the lost, revive the saved, and train them all. All done from the abundant grace that flows from Gods heart.
It would be such to honor to me if you decided to actively pray for me as a missionary to be prepared in the heart and sent out fully funded to missions, preparing a generation to see the love of Jesus come to life.
Your investment will change lives, catalyze revival, and transform this generation by the love of Jesus.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Nova <3