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Nicole Rodriguez

Nicole Rodriguez


Hi, my name is Nicole Rodriguez and I want to share how God recently changed my life and the way I see the world.

God has a burden and a heart for the needs of my generation and He has called me to be a solution and part of the change this world needs. I want to help young women to arise as leaders and to find their voice and identity in Jesus. I want my generation to experience true love and freedom. I want to selflessly serve my generation and the rest of the world by being a missionary.

Starting in January of 2024, I will be part of a collaborative non-profit missions organization called Circuit Riders empowered by YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Our heart is to save the lost, revive the saved, and train them all. We want to inspire a generation to love like Jesus!

I have been blessed with this opportunity and I will be trained there for three months starting January 15. I will have the opportunity to enhance my God given skills and share them with the world. After I complete my training I will travel to the nations sharing the Gospel and bringing hope to those who need it.

In order to bring this vision to life I need everyone’s help so that I can fulfill the calling God has put in my heart as a full time missionary.

Would you consider partnering with me through prayer and financial support to see a generation saved and freed across the nations?!

Thanks for all your support!

Nicole Rodriguez

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