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Laina Vaughn

Laina Vaughn


Hello! My name is Laina Vaughn and I am a missionary in Houston, TX with Nations House of Prayer.

From a young age, the Lord put evangelism and reaching the lost on my heart. I have a deep desire to minister to those who do not yet know the transforming love of Jesus Christ. I would have never expected that the Lord would burden me for the city that I have grown up in. After the disciples receive the Holy Spirit in Acts 1:7-9, they are commanded to be witnesses "in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The Lord has shown me that I must have a heart for my Jerusalem, which is Houston, TX. As I pursue Him here, He will guide me even to the ends of the earth!

Nations House of Prayer exists to fulfill the Great Commandment, to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and the Great Commandment, to make disciples of all nations. Through prayer and worship, local and global outreach, and discipleship training, we desire to reach the fatherless, orphan, widow, and oppressed with the presence of our great God. We are fueled as we pursue the Lord's presence and encounter Him daily, and it allows us to pour back into the lost- coming in to go back out.

I invite you to join me in God's work through Nations House of Prayer. We long to see the people of Houston, and specifically our surrounding area, which is ridden with poverty, homelessness, and addiction, come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and live lives that pursue His presence.

I ask that you consider how you might partner with me financially and prayerfully as we seek the lost with worship, prayer, and outreach- morning, noon, and night. I am filled with gratitude for my family in Christ and am excited to see what He does in Houston!

Thank you!



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