Hello friends!!
My name is Laina & I’m a full time missionary on staff with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Circuit Riders.
Inspired by the Circuit Riders of old, we are a mission’s movement committed to carrying the love of Jesus to college and high school campuses across our nation. We seek to save the lost, revive the saved, and train them all to be the fiery-eyed revivalists that we believe our world desperately needs. Though my generation has been deemed as the first unchurched generation in America, we choose to look at it through the eyes of Jesus and see it as a ripe harvest field (Matthew 9:35-38). Our nation, and the nations of the earth, just need laborers to preach the simple Gospel, awaken callings, catalyze evangelists, and provide the tools students need to help steward revival on their campuses.
Within Circuit Riders, my primary role is the department head of Circuit Rider Music Training. It’s my honor to get to train young worship leaders and musicians in our discipleship training schools in Huntington Beach as well as in our training around the globe. Together we study worship in the Word and learn how to be evangelistic worship leaders who shepherd rooms into unified songs of praise and adoration of our Savior King.
Through my time with Circuit Riders so far, since fall of 2020, the Lord has been showing me how we are all on mission in various contexts and just how important community is in our pursuits of the Lord. I get to rely on the generous and faithful support of others in order to live out the call the Lord has put on my life. When you invest in me as a missionary, you’re investing in seeing university and high school students around the world being raised up as Gospel preachers who are ushering the Kingdom of God into their campuses and other mission fields. I have been astounded by the Lord’s provision so far and am convinced that He will continue to provide for my every need.
Dear friend, what if that is through you? Will you prayerfully consider supporting me financially as I continue with this ministry?
Alongside Circuit Riders, I have seen and continue to see hundreds of young people radically transformed by the Gospel. I have counted the cost and am committed to doing whatever it takes to reach our generation with the radical love of Jesus.
Will you join me??