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Jenny Huang

Jenny Huang


Hi, thanks for visiting my page. I am Jenny Huang, a third year student in Bethel school of supernatural ministry (BSSM) and an intern for Arise Global.

During the first two years in BSSM, my life has been greatly transformed by the revelation-truth from the gospel and many encounters with Jesus! I have entered the new-found freedom, power, and joy of the Kingdom in a much deeper way, while coming out of the religion, past wounds, and fear of man.

From September 2022 to May 2023, I will intern for Arise Global to bring God's Kingdom to the people and places we minister to, and I hope to see many more believers and pre-believers experience the same kind of hope and freedom I have tasted. During these nine months, we will travel multiple times from Redding, California to Romania for the Kingdom Culture and Personal Revival (KCPR) school, to equip believers with Kingdom culture core values and train up the revivalists for the nation. I will participate in the teaching, prophetic discipleship, and administration of the school. We will also minister to local missionaries in Romania, as well as workers in the humanitarian aid sphere, to equip them to be more effective for the long haul.

While we are in Redding, I will be part of the online KCPR school for a closed country in East Asia. This is a relatively new school started in 2022, and I will have a more significant role pioneering and expanding this school with the leaders, from translating material and side-by-side teaching translation, to teaching and ministering in local languages and small group prophetic discipleship. This aligns so closely with the burden in my heart, to activate the revivalists of my language with the revelation-truth and to see more of them bring the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. With the ministry opportunities above, we will also cultivate family and unity in everything we do. This is a brief overview of my understanding of my nine month assignment. This is very different from my past experience working in full time ministry in local church environments.

Ministering to different language and cultural backgrounds presents a new level of challenge as well. However, I am really excited to give out what I have been freely given in the past two years. I believe that true freedom will bring the power of the Kingdom that this world desperately needs, and greater miracles will happen with the people and countries we touch.

I know I cannot do this alone, and I ask for your prayerful consideration in partnering with me for the following nine months (Sep 2022 to May 2023), either financially or with prayers. Through the support, you will be part of the missions that I go on. With the trips to Romania and potentially additional international trips (each trip estimated three weeks & around $3000 cost), my goal is to raise $12,000 in total for the nine months (or around $1,300 per month). You can partner with me with the monthly donation option below, or a one-time donation. They are tax deductible for US residents. If you decide to be part of my support team, I will keep you posted on how our ministry goes with the seeds and prayers you sow during this nine month period! If you'd like to know more details or have any questions, you can email me at Thank you for your consideration and support!



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