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Hilla Palomäki

Hilla Palomäki



My name is Hilla Palomäki and I’m doing missions work as a volunteer with an organization called Youth With A Mission; currently located in Mexico, Mazatlán. I’d like to invite you to what God is doing in my life and in the lives of others in Finland and here in Mazatlán. 

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a global, non denominational mission organization based on volunteer work. The vision behind it is to know God and make Him and His love known to all the world, but also to disciple the next generations to respond to the call of missions. YWAM has many different forms of ministries. The Mazatlán campus that I’m part of right now, is not only meeting the needs of local communities, but also spreading the Gospel with a ship, bringing education and medical care to isolated areas. One of the special ministries here in Mazatlán is the ministry “OMT”, which helps translating the Bible into different oral mother tongues.  

I want to be part of what God is doing and that’s why I’m working with YWAM. I’ve decided to travel back to Finland in September and join what God is doing there. I’m going to start working with The Send in Finland, which is a form of YWAM ministry. The Send is a mission and worship movement, culminating to the main event in June 2025. This fall I’ll start touring around Finland with a team, working with the local churches. The idea of the tour is to mobilize the church of Finland to step into their God given callings and equip them to preach the gospel locally and to the nations. We are also going to do local outreaches around Finland, sharing the gospel for example in local schools. We are expecting to see many people being met by the love of God and through that lives being transformed. We believe that there is a generation that will not choose to ignore the call of God in their lives. 

This is what I’ve committed my next year to. Would you be interested in partnering with me in what God is doing, in helping the church of Finland to find its true purpose and discipling people in their unique callings that God has for them? You can do this through financial partnership and praying for God to provide for my needs and to give direction in this new season of my life. 



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