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Hannah Lee

Hannah Lee


Hey friends! My name is Hannah and I’m a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission).

I have served with YWAM for over 3 years in several different locations, all while being based out of Kona, Hawaii. While YWAM does so many things across the globe, we are founded on the values on knowing God and making God known.

Within the broader organization of YWAM, I am specifically a part of a ministry called Fire and Fragrance. We have a zeal to “develop young leaders that carry fire in their hearts for Jesus that becomes the fragrance of Christ to the lost.” For me, this has looked like worship and evangelism tours on college campuses, living with and discipling young women on our base in Kona, sitting with Syrian refugees in their homes to share bible stories & testimonies, and so much more!

It has been an honor to join in so many different things that God has been doing. Looking ahead, I’m so excited to continue serving the vision of FF (Fire & Fragrance) to fulfill the Great Commission. Personally, this will look like transitioning from working at our base in Kona, HI to living overseas— specifically joining our FF team in South Asia!

Would you consider joining me in this work by partnering financially? I truly believe this is the fullness of co-laboring in Christ as a family and I would be honored to do it with you!

Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration. May the Lamb receive the reward of His suffering.


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