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Hailey Hill

Hailey Hill


Hey Y'all! My name is Hailey Hill and I am a missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Kona, Hawaii.

YWAM's heart is to know God and make Him known. This has played such an importance in my life because before we go to any nation we have to remember our first calling; “to love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:30-31). God has broken my heart for what breaks His and has put me in a position to make Him known so that every child of his can know who their Father and true Creator is.

I did my DTS (Discipleship Training School) in September of 2023 which consisted of three months in Kona, Hawaii and three months in Papua New Guinea. In Kona I learned so much about the incredible character of God. He has shown His lovingness, power, patience, and healing throughout these past three months in supernatural ways. My love and intimacy with Jesus has grown and He has completely captured my heart. I realize now that as a daughter of the most high this is what I was built for and I could not be more excited!!

Starting in December of 2023 myself and a group of 12 other missionaries will be preaching and delivering Bibles in Tok Pisin, to the people of Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for women with 70% experiencing rape or assault in their life. We are excited to empower, love on, and serve women and men, and speak truth into their identity in Christ so healing can happen in PNG. With over 600 islands and  312 tribes we could not be more excited bring Jesus' love and healing no matter how far.

Continuing in March of 2024, we will have the opportunity to partner with and serve YWAM Ships and YWAM Port Moresby to empower church's in the area and provide vaccines and other life saving medical procedures to those isolated on these islands. While those of us in the US do not think twice about vaccines or other simple medical surgeries, these types of preventive measure save lives. In this isolated country with limited facilities, most injuries and diseases go without treatment and cause an inability to work, fertility issues, and in many cases, fatality of life. Our team will have to ability to work to clean, fix, and maintain these ships and bases so doctors and other medical professionals may provide these treatments. While many of us do not have the education to preform these procedures, we are called to do the behind the scene work so God's healing and glory may be exemplified. It is such an opportunity to serve those physical needs' while also giving them the eternal, life-giving knowledge of Jesus' sacrifice for them.

These past three months of disciplining has been absolutely life-changing and my heart has never burned more for these people especially in unreached places. I cannot help but fall deeper and deeper in love with Jesus and am hungry to know His character more and more. I never in a million years would have thought that Jesus would send me into the mission field but I am a living testimony that God uses and redeems the broken for his glory. Before my DTS started I was someone who feared the judgement of man before my God but he has completely freed my of that burden and I want to see that for every other one of his children.

Words cannot explain how excited I am for these next months and I would love to partner with you to fulfill what God commissioned us to do. God has given us the gift of prayer and finances and we need both to share the amazing truth of what He did for us.

I will be sending out monthly newsletters of what God is doing in the nations to everyone I can so please enter your email and phone number so y'all can see what God is doing through YOU across the world. I would love to get to know all of you so please call me at +1 (916) 995 2043 if you have any questions or want more details!

I love every one of y'all and hope you're ready to make God known in every tribe, nation, and tongue!



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