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Emily VanDeWalker

Emily VanDeWalker



My name is Emily and I serve with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Kona.

YWAM is an interdenominational, international movement of believers who long to know God and make Him known. We equip and send lovers of Jesus from all nations (and all ages!) to all nations to share the gospel, to train and disciple, and to show God’s character through acts of compassion. We do all of this by relying on the Holy Spirit who still guides and empowers His people today. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) belongs to Jesus, and we can’t do it without Him! We get to join Him in what He is already doing around the world so that every nation, tribe, and tongue can have the opportunity to know and have eternal life through Him (Revelation 7:9)!

My journey with YWAM began in 2017 when I did a Discipleship Training School at the YWAM base in Perth, Australia. God met my heart with His love and showed me the joy of relying on His voice and sharing His Word with others. I had the privilege of working in Manila, Philippines, where I learned how to build water filters and disciple young people. Since then I have served with a worship and intercession ministry, staffed discipleship schools and outreaches, and have been trained in Biblical studies and community development.

I now serve at the University of the Nations YWAM base in Kona, Hawaii, with the Sustainable Technology Research Center. Our  ministry focuses on community development and co-creating with God to find solutions for sanitation, food, energy, and shelter needs around the world. My role includes training young missionaries to take these creative solutions into the nations as they share the gospel and mentoring them as they process the call God has placed on their lives. I also have the opportunity to join my team as we visit contacts and engage in community development projects around the world.

All YWAM missionaries rely on God to provide finances. No one earns a salary, but we invite the Body of Christ to partner with us with prayer and finances. We are meant to do this together! I am personally looking for monthly supporters who will commit to pray for me and give financially to cover my food, housing, outreach costs, and further training as I follow the call God has placed on my life. Would you consider joining my support team?

Much love,


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