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Erin Brown

Erin Brown


 Hi Friends and Family!

If you don’t already know, Jesus has been the center of my life for more than a decade. For the past few years, I’ve felt a calling in my life from the Lord to serve Him in a year of missions. After I graduated from university, the Lord steered me towards Circuit Riders, a branch of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). I have previously served alongside teams in Circuit Riders at my college and was inspired by the impact that people my age were having on their peers by sharing the Gospel all over the world.

Starting at the end of September, I will be going through a Discipleship Training School (DTS) located in Huntington Beach, CA where I will be trained and equipped to go out and spread the good news to my generation!

Since CR is a missions organization, I need to raise support for this next season. I am currently looking for spiritual and financial support. All of the money donated will be used to help me pay for school, outreach as well as other living expenses.

Want to learn more about what God is doing in my life? Let’s get a coffee soon!


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