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Daniel Quiros

Daniel Quiros



I am Daniel Quiros, born and raised in Costa Rica. 

Jesus has impacted my life radically to the point that I've been transformed by his love!

This birthed a passion within, a burning desire to share Jesus' love with others so they can experience a life with Him in full peace walking in love and joy. Now my dream is to share Jesus and the freedom & fullness of life that comes with His love.

I serve as a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Denver. YWAM is a global movement of Christians driven to know God and make Him known. 

My journey at YWAM started with a discipleship training school (DTS) in Kona, Hawaii called Fire & Fragrance. The vision is to train the youth to carry the FIRE of intimacy with Jesus, along with the FRAGRANCE of Christ to the nations through bold, powerful, and Spirit-filled evangelism.There, we were equipped and sent on missions to the Amazon jungle in Peru - September 2022. We shared the gospel to unreached people groups and got to deliver the Bible in their dialect for the first time for them - the Urarina’s! It was beautiful! 

This year, we trained a team for three months at the YWAM Denver base, for a mission trip to Costa Rica! I was so blessed to be sent to my nation to share Jesus’ love with my people! God moved and many were blessed by His touch! Ministry consisted of a lot of Bible distribution and youth ministry. We also partnered with ‘Homes for Hope’ to build two houses for families in need. 

I’m currently also a student at ACTS School of Ministry which is part of House Denver Church. It centers around the prayer room, teaching us a deep foundation in intercession. Here, I am getting tools in growing towards discipleship, personally and for mentorship to pour into others. 

I warmly extend an invitation for your partnership in helping transform the lives of many people and expand His Kingdom for His glory!

Thank you & Pura Vida!



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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