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Dillon Amstutz

Dillon Amstutz


Howdy! Im Dillon Amstutz, I am a full time missionary with YWAM (youth with a mission) in Kona at the University of the nations.

I will soon be staffing with Fire & Fragrance Discipleship Training School (DTS) at YWAM's main base in Kona, Hawaii. Fire & Fragrance exists to train and send Gen-Z to the nations to share the Gospel. Through DTS, students learn to center their life on Jesus, work towards a personal spiritual breakthrough, and partner with God to seek and save the lost.

I did my DTS in January 2022, then I completed a 9 month school of Biblical studies and through that God has showed me the importance of making disciples and equipping other believers to pursue global missions wherever the Lord leads them. In that I believe the Lord has called me to staff DTS in order to grow in spiritual leadership and further discern where I will be going long term.

While on staff with Fire & Fragrance I will get the opportunity to mentor students and lead outreach teams. This will give me the opportunity to challenge students to go deeper in their relationship with God and empower them to start walking in the gifts that God gave them.

Being a full-time missionary means I need a team of people committed to investing in me in order to see God's plans and purposes fulfilled through my life. Would you prayerfully consider joining my team through prayer and financial support?

Thank you! God bless!

Dillon Amstutz.

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