My name is Caleb Longabaugh, and I will be working with the Radiant School of Worship this next year, helping disciple ministry students as they develop in their maturity and depth of faith.
I will be regularly meeting one on one with students, being a consistent leader, providing care, encouragement, and discipleship in one of the most transformative seasons of their lives. I’ve been given the opportunity to step into a position specifically created for me and the ministry I am called to, with the intention of me launching out the year after, where I will be discipling new believers in a mission field.
Transparently, to do ministry like this, I need support. I most especially need the support of a community of people praying for me, but I also need financial support to give me the ability to continue this ministry.
If you feel lead to support me, either by partnering in prayer, or giving financially, welcome to my page!
I deeply appreciate you.