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Alexander Sjogren

Alexander Sjogren


Hello and God Bless you!

I am Alexander Sjogren. I am going to be a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Circuit Riders Ministry in Huntington Beach, California. I am also a recently-saved Christian!

I attended Kutztown University as a full-time student pursuing a degree in Applied Mathematical Science. There, YWAM (Circuit Riders Ministry) paid a visit to my campus where I had an encounter with Jesus for the first-time and experienced His love. During that encounter, I committed my life to Jesus forever and my life has changed in the best way possible. What we do at YWAM Circuit Riders is we are full-time missionaries that bring the gospel to colleges & universities across the world with many tour groups that tour across the United States and the United Kingdom.

This will be my first year out on missions serving with YWAM Circuit Riders and I am expectant to see lots of people be saved through the love of Jesus being expressed through myself and this ministry. I have committed my future with YWAM Circuit Riders and I could only do it with your help and generous offerings and donations.

Would you be willing to join me through prayer and donation so that the future generation can be saved across the nations?!

In Christ,

Alexander Sjogren

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