Hello, my name is Andrew King.
What I feel called to do through Global Mercy Missions is to grow in what God wants me to do. I feel that Rachel and Josh are the people who equipped me with my calling and what God wants me to do for this generation. I feel called to seek out lost and broken people. I have a pastoral anointing in my life, and I feel called to preach the Gospel to the nations. I want to seek the lost, and I also want to seek the people who are broken. I feel God has called me to those people. People who feel like they have no purpose in their lives or feel like they do not belong here also want to father other kids. I also feel led to rescue people in the darkest areas.
Here’s a little about Global Mercy Missions
Global Mercy Missions is a Christian NPO and ministry based in South Africa and the U.S.A. From a base located on a garbage dump to the streets of Chicago, our leaders serve the people that God puts in front of us through radical love. We are passionate about so much more than that which is seen with physical eyes.
Our team of missionaries also serves the nation with our weekly outreaches and evangelism. We go into the local hospital, ghetto, and red-light district to love and serve the people there. We have seen many people set free from sickness, pain, and destructive lifestyles.Â
Our mandate is to reveal the heart of God to all people we encounter and serve.Â
We are simply and completely all about our King, Savior, and Friend, Jesus. We have laid down our lives for one reason, and that is to partner with our heavenly Father to establish His kingdom on Earth. We are called to the darkness so Jesus' light can shine through us, leading His children closer to Himself. He is the one who calls them home, and we get to go along for the ride. What an amazing journey it is, full of joy and wonder!
Our reward is not anything that comes from this world; it is not the fruit of our ministry or the fame we receive from man. Our reward is the presence of God. His presence sustains us; it is our anchor, our hope, and our joy. What an honor we have to bring His presence into the places He has called us to. Simply, Matthew 25:40. Everyone who comes to us, we love as if they are Jesus Himself.Â
Why I want to be a missionary, is that I want to seek God‘s work, and I also want to help God and do what He wants us to do for the Kingdom. I feel that we are united, and God‘s Kingdom is a tool to go out to seek the lost and the broken and just seek anyone who doesn’t have a relationship with God and is equipped on how to have a relationship with God.
We want to let them know that they are loved, that God sees them, and that God has a purpose for them to use them on this earth. I want to intercede and pray as I walk into my destiny with God and with many other loved ones who come my way. I think prayer is valuable and important, and we all need to dive deeper into the Lord. This is exactly what Global Mercy Missions does, and I want to follow what they are doing for me in their life and for everyone else that they have helped, not as a part of their ministry.
We are going to be doing a Midwest gospel truck tour over the summer, and we will be traveling around the Midwest for about four months. We will be going to high-poverty areas and local downtown areas in other states to go and preach with a team of 12 people. Our team is equipped and ready to evangelize and see people set free. This gospel truck is so unique because not a lot of people bring a truck that has a stage and go preach the gospel so bravely. We are headed off on May 5 to start our tour in Orlando, Florida.
If you would like to become a partner by first praying for me, and if the Holy Spirit leads you to become a financial partner, you can join me in helping and sharing the good news of what Jesus is doing for America! Also, if you would like to join me in prayer for seeing many lives changed and people being set free from their old life and their new life with Jesus, It would be so great to have people come and unite with the radical love of our father, Abba.
If you feel like God is leading you to sow financial blessings, then below are details.